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different的反义词(difference / different 的用法讲练)

100人浏览   2024-08-07 08:31:56


1. 表示“区别”、“差异”,根据情况可用作可数名词或不可数名词。如:

There are many differences between the two languages.


There is much difference of opinion on the subject.


2. 表示某两者之间的区别或差异,用介词 between。如:

The difference between 5 and 8 is 3. 5与8相差3。


differences among men 人们之间的不同意见

the difference of night and day 昼与夜的差异

3. 用于 make a (no) difference, 意为“有(没有)差别”、“有(没有)影响”、“起(不起)重要作用”等。

make a / the difference (to) (对。。。)产生作用/ 影响 同义词组是 have an influence on


The sea air has made a difference to her health.


It makes no difference to me whether he goes or not.



A:Does that make any difference? 那很重要吗?

B:Yes, it makes all the difference. 是的,很重要

The rain didn’t make much difference to the game.



1. 表示“与……不同”,其后一般接介词 from, 有时也用 to(英)或 than(美),但均不及用 from 普遍。如:

City life is very different from [to, than] country life.


Their tastes are different from [to, than] mine.


【注】副词 differently 的情形也是一样。如

He thinks differently from [to, than] you. 他的想法与你的不同。

2. 副词 much 通常不修饰形容词原级,但 different 是个例外,它可受 much 的修饰。如:

He is much different from you. 他与你大不相同。

其它修饰 different 的常见副词如下:

He is very different from me. 他与我很不相同。

This is quite different from that. 这个与那个很不相同。

Those two boys are completely different. 那两个男孩完全不一样。

为了加强否定的语气,可用 no 代替 not。比较:

This is not different from that. 这个与那个没有差别。

This is no different from that. 这个与那个完全一样。

【注】no different from = the same as

3. different(不同的)的反义词是 same(相同的),而不能想当然地认为是 indifferent(不关心的,冷淡的)。比较:

He’s indifferent to this problem. 他对这个问题不感兴趣。

He is indifferent to suffering and poverty. 他不在乎苦与穷。

【注】indifferent 后通常接介词 to, 而不是 from/than。


1. They are in different teams. (同义句)

They aren't in ( )( ) team.

2. "love"和"like"有什么区别?

( )the ( )( ) love” and “like” ?

3. The sea air has ( )( ) ( )(影响) to her health .

4. The heavy snow didn't ( ) the international airline.

A. pay attention to B. add to C. make a difference to D. keep to

5. Your act of kindness has an important influence .

Your act of kindness ( )( )( ) .


1. the same 2. What's diffience between 3. made a diffience 4. C

5. makes a diffience